Mel Youkton
Zelma McCloud
Cal Peters
Bill Smith

In 1976, these Tribal leaders from the South Puget Sound region had the remarkable vision to join together to create SPIPA(South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency)  The original mission of SPIPA, as set forth by the founders: Mel Youckton (Chehalis), Zelma McCloud (Nisqually), Bill Smith (Skokomish), and Cal Peters (Squaxin Island, 1927-2011) was to “study, prepare, and recommend comprehensive Tribal plans; to aid in providing financial and technical assistance to participating Tribal communities; and to otherwise assist in such planning and development as may seem appropriate to promote the general welfare of participating Tribes.”

In 1992, the consortium welcomed the Shoalwater Bay Tribe as a SPIPA member. This unique model now provides intertribal planning, technical assistance and program management services to support each Tribe’s goal for their members.

SPIPA Board of Directors

The SPIPA Board, which meets once a month, sets policies and goals for the South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency (SPIPA).
Each Board member is appointed by their Tribal Council and given the duty of keeping their Council informed about SPIPA activities and intertribal project opportunities.

Christina Hicks

Rachelle Ferguson

Marie McDonald

Joe Cushman

Kathirine Horne
           Delegate             Board Secretary

Lynn Clark

Tom Strong
Board Chair

Jack-Lyn Smith

Vicki Kruger
             Delegate          Board Treasurer

Julie Owens       Alternate

Leadership Bios

Kyle Rogers, Executive Director

Kyle Rogers is a member of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe.  He is a graduate of Eastern Washington University where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration in 2009 and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration in 2011. He began is professional career as a Grant Writer for the Shoalwater Indian Bay Tribe while serving as his Tribe’s Alternate Delegate on the SPIPA Board of Directors.  He began working at SPIPA as a Planner/Senior Grant Writer in 2014.  In 2015, he became the Deputy Executive Director and served in that capacity until being named the Interim Executive Director in 2023. He became the Executive Director in 2024. 


If he is not working, Kyle prefers spending time watching and attending sporting events and vacationing in Mexico.