South Sound Native Business Directory
CYB Massage LLC
CYB Massage LLC
Contact: Shalisha Colby
Work 5515 Steilacoom Blvd. SW Lakewood WA 98499 work
Work Phone: 360.451.5963work
Work Email: Clearyourbody@gmail.comINTERNET
CYB Massage is a small Native American & Black owned Massage business. Shalisha, the owner has been massaging for over 10 years and specializes in Therapeutic/ Deep Tissue & Sports massage.
Services Include:
Therapeutic/Deep tissue & Sports massages 60 / 90min
Therapeutic/Deep tissue massages 30/ 60 /90min Sports massage
Additional add-on services include:
- Cupping
- Guasha & hot towels
- Aroma therapy with essential Oils.